Tuesday, April 29, 2014

The Daily Bite: Serious Pie

My husband and I went to Serious Pie in South Lake Union for my birthday. Serious Pie is one of Tom Douglas' premier restaurants in Seattle and it was splendiferous. 

We ordered the roasted seasonal mushroom pizza with truffle cheese. Like many truffle infused delicacies, it was savory, salty and mouthwateringly delicious. All the pizzas are baked in a wood stove, which adds a subtle, albeit tasty, smoky flavor to the crust.

I also enjoyed some sorbet on the house as it was my birthday. Its was good, but I was mainly excited about the swirly candle! I'm sort of a child, but at least if I am going to have pizza and ice cream for my birthday, it was pizza and ice cream done exceptionally well!